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28 Understanding Food Allergies Understanding Food Allergies Food allergies are becoming increasingly common. More and more people are being diagnosed with a range of food allergies and intolerances. In this article, we will discuss what food allergies are, how they differ from food intolerances, the symptoms of food allergies, the most common food allergens, and how to manage food allergies. What Are Food Allergies? A food al.. 2023. 2. 13.
27 Healthy Baking Alternatives: Elevate Your Baked Goods Game Healthy Baking Alternatives: Elevate Your Baked Goods Game Baking is an art that requires precision and attention to detail. With the rise of health-conscious individuals, people are looking for healthier alternatives to their favorite baked goods. But how do we create baked goods that are both delicious and healthy? The answer lies in using healthy baking alternatives. In this article, we will .. 2023. 2. 13.
26 Fermentation Techniques: A Guide to Making Your Own Probiotic Foods Fermentation Techniques: A Guide to Making Your Own Probiotic Foods Fermentation is an ancient technique used to preserve food and create new flavors. It involves the breakdown of carbohydrates by microorganisms, resulting in the production of organic acids, gases, and alcohol. In recent years, fermentation has become popular as a way to add probiotics to your diet and improve gut health. In thi.. 2023. 2. 13.
갤럭시S23 3천만대 판매 도전. 삼성전자 삼성전자, 갤S23로 흥행기준 판매량 3천만대 도전 1 삼성전자가 플래그십 스마트폰 ‘갤럭시S23’ 시리즈를 공개한 가운데 흥행 분기점 ‘3000만대’ 고지 공략에 나선다. 2 갤럭시S시리즈 중 출시 후 연간 3000만대 판매량을 넘긴 제품은 지난 2019년 ‘갤럭시S10’ 시리즈가 마지막이다. 3 소비 위축으로 3000만대 고지 돌파가 어려울 것이란 전망이 우세하지만 삼성전자는 울트라 모델 생산 비중을 50% 이상으로 늘리고 ‘게임 옵티마이징 서비스(GOS)’ 사태를 되풀이 하지 않도록 냉각 기능을 강화했다. 4. 전자업계 관계자는 “전작인 ‘갤럭시S22’ 시리즈 목표치도 3000만대였지만 실패했다”며 “과거 4000만대였던 흥행 기준이 내려간 만큼 삼성전자는 최소 3000만대 선을 회복하려고 한다”... 2023. 2. 12.